Privacy Policy

  • We do not release any information to any 3rd party.
  • We collect certain information in order to serve you. (Name, address, license info etc)
  • Payments are collected at the beginning of the lesson. E-transfers are required to be completed 24hrs in advance. 
  • Payments for car rental (road test) are collected 2 weeks in advance.
  • All lessons are pre-scheduled via text only, as booking over the phone can cause confusion.
  • Lesson duration 45mins.
  • We have a 10min waiting policy, if the instructor has not heard back from you 10mins after scheduled lesson timing, your lesson is cancelled and a cancellation fee will apply. 
  • Road tests are booked free of charge, by us, once the student is ready.
  • We do not send out the car for students who are not ready for their road test due to the safety of yourself, the examiner, and other drivers on the road.
  • Students who book their own road test assume responsibility for going to the drive test center themselves.
  • All lessons are one on one for comfort and privacy. We do not take more then one student at the same time.
  • Cancellations are 24hrs in advance. Any cancellation under 24hrs will be subjected to a cancellation charge. (waived if doctor note is provided)
  • Package refund policy; If you have paid for any packages and you are ready before completing all the lessons, or choose to discontinue, the remaining lessons amount will be reimbursed. Lessons taken will be charged at regular price. Package refund policy does not apply to the BDE course.
  • Lessons could be cancelled due to issues with vehicle safety or severe weather. All lessons will be rescheduled for the safety of our students.
  • We are unable to give lessons to anyone who is pregnant, for their safety and the baby. 

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